Breadcrumb Home Therapist Checklists Respiratory Therapist Form Information Info Name * Last 4 digits of SSN * Contact Phone * Email * Proficiency Scale 1 = No Experience 2 = Need Training 3 = Able to perform with supervision 4 = Able to perform independently General Skills Care of Patient in Restraints * Electronic Documentation * Isolation Precautions * Medicare Documentation * Patient/Family Education * Written Documentation * Care of Patients With Acute/Chronic Bronchitis * ARDS * Aspiration Pneumonia * Asthma * Atelectasis * Bacterial/Viral Pneumonia * Bronchiectasis * Broncho-Pulmonary Dysplasia * Cardiac Surgery * Congestive Heart Failure * Croup * Cystic Fibrosis * Diabetic Ketoacidosis * Emphysema * Epiglottitis * Failure to Thrive * Fem-pop Bypass * Gullian Barre * Hayaline Membrane Disease (HMD/IRDS) * Lung Cancer * Meconium Aspiration * Myasthenia Gravis * Myocardial Infarction * Near Drowning * Neonatal Pneumonia * Open Hearts * Pacemakers * Persistent Fetal Circulation * Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema (PIE) * Pleural Effusion * Pulmonary Edema * Pulmonary Embolism * Respiratory Failure * Respiratory Syncytial Virus * Respiratory Distress Syndrome * Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula * Transient Tachypnea * Thoracotomies * Tuberculosis * Therapy and Procedures Apnea Monitor * Assessment of Breath Sounds * Carbogen Delivery * Diaphragmatic Breathing * Disinfection and Sterilization * End-Tidal CO2 Monitoring * Nasal-Oral Airway Placement * Oximetry * Pursed Lip Breathing * Transcutaneous Monitoring * Oxygen Administration Acapella * Aerosol Set Up/Mask/Trach * Analyze Oxygen * BiPAP Nasal/Mask * Bronchial Hygiene Therapy * Chest Physical Therapy/Postural Drainage * CPAP Nasal/Mask * Continuous Medication Nebulizer * Cough Assisted machine * Croup Tent Set Up * EzPAP Expansion Therapy * Flutter Valve Therapy * Hand Held Nebulizer * Heated Aerosol Mask/Trach Collar * Heliox Delivery * Incentive Spirometry (IS) * Infant Hood Set Up * Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV) * Metered Dose Inhaler * Nasal Cannula * Nitric Oxide Delivery * Oxygen Tank Set Up/Change Tank * Partial Rebreather/Non-Rebreather Mask * PEP Mask/PEP Valve Therapy * Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB) * Simple Mask * Splint Cough * Sputum Induction * Venturi Mask * Vest Airway Clearance * Obtaining Arterial Blood Gases ABG Interpretation/Analyzer * Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (ARPV) * Allen Test * Arterial Blood Gas Analysis * Arterial Line Insertion * Arterial Line Maintenance * Bronchoscopies/Assist * Change, Clean Trach Tubes * Check Intracuff Pressures * Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) * Endotracheal * Extubations * Perform Independently * Assist Only * Femoral Artery * Flow/Volume/Pressure Waveform Interpretation * High Frequency Ventilator * Independent Synchronous Lung Ventilation * Inhaler Reservoirs * Intra Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) * Intubations * Perform Independently * Assist Only * Inverse Ratio Ventilation * Nasotracheal * Negative Inspiratory Force * Peak Flow Rat Monitoring * Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) * Pressure Assist/Control * Pressure Regulated Volume Control (PRVC) * Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV) * Pulmonary Function Testing * Pulmonary Stress Testing * Radial/Brachial Artery * Ventilator Management Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (IMV) * Inverse Ratio Ventilation * Pressure Release Modes/Techniques * Suctioning * Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) * Ventilate Patient with Manual Resuscitator * Ventilator Modes * Ventilator Set Up/On Tanks * Volume Assist/Control * Other * Settings Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (IMV) * Adult Critical Care Unit * Burn ICU * Emergency Room * Home Care * Medical/Surgical General Floor Care * Neonatal ICU Level II * Neonatal ICU Level III * Pediatric General Floor Care * Pediatric ICU * Pediatric ICU Level II * Pediatric ICU Level III * Pulmonary Rehabilitation * Pulmonary Function Lab * Skilled Nursing * Sleep Lab * Transplant * Transports * Equipment Bird/Avea * Drager * Puritan-Bennett * Sechrist-Infant Star * Servo * Siemens * SIMS * Age Specific Competencies Newborn (birth 30 days) * Infant (30 days 1 year) * Toddler (age 1 year 3 years) * Preschooler (3 y 5 years) * School Age (5 y 12 years) * Adolescents (12 y 18 years) * Young Adults (18 y 39 years) * Middle Adults (39 y 64 years) * Older Adults (64+ years) *