Breadcrumb Home Nurse Checklists Interventional Radiology Form Information Info Name * Last 4 digits of SSN * Contact Phone * Email * Proficiency Scale 1 = No Experience 2 = Need Training 3 = Able to perform with supervision 4 = Able to perform independently General Tasks Admit patient to pre-procedure holding * Complete assessments, obtain family history & risk factors * Start peripheral IV * Complete pre-procedure checklist * Transport pre-procedure patient to the Lab * Transport post-procedure patient to in-hospital units * Procedures Cerebral Angiogram Prepare * Cerebral Angiogram Assist * Lower Extremity Angiogram Prepare * Lower Extremity Angiogram Assist * Upper Extremity Angiogram Prepare * Upper Extremity Angiogram Assist * Ultrasound Guided Biopsy Assist * CT Scan Guided Biopsy Prepare * CT Scan Guided Biopsy Assist * Liver Biopsy and Embolization Prepare * Liver Biopsy and Embolization Assist * Prepare and Assist with Line Placement Broviac * Prepare and Assist with Line Placement Groshong * Prepare and Assist with Line Placement Hickman * Prepare and Assist with Line Placement PICC * Prepare and Assist with Line Placement PortaCath * Uterine Fibroid Embolization Prepare * Uterine Fibroid Embolization Assist * Temporary Hemodialysis Shunt Placement Prepare * Temporary Hemodialysis Shunt Placement Assist * Permanent Hemodialysis Shunt Placement Prepare * Permanent Hemodialysis Shunt Placement Assist * AV Fistula/Shunt Declotting Prepare * AV Fistula/Shunt Declotting Assist * Vertebroplasty Prepare * Vertebroplasty Assist * Lumbar Puncture Prepare * Lumbar Puncture Assist * Myelogram Prepare * Myelogram Assist * Provide care for the post-procedure patient * Cardiovascular Tasks Assess heart sounds and peripheral pulses * Interpret arrhythmias * Perform CPR * Perform defibrillation * Participate as a team member in resuscitation * Pulmonary Tasks Assess lung sounds * Set up oxygen devices * Obtain pulse oximetry reading * Interpret ABG * Use Ambu bag * Assist with intubation * Assist with chest tube insertion * Provide care for the patient with mechanical ventilation * Medications Administration Titrate vasoactive drugs * Calculate mcg/min and mcg/kg/min * Use IV infusion pump to calculate drug doses * Administer IV dopamine * Administer IV nitroglycerine * Administer IV dobutamine (Dobutrex) * Administer IV lidocaine * Administer IV diltiazem (Cardizem) * Administer IV epinephrine * Administer IV atropine * Administer IV heparin * Administer IV benzodiazepines (Valium, Versed, Ativan) * Administer IV propofol (Diprivan) * Administer IV neuromuscular blocking agents (Pavulon, Norcuron) * Administer IV narcotics (morphine, fentanyl) * Pain/Wound Management Assess pain level/tolerance * Care of patient with anesthesia/analgesia * Care of patient with IV conscious sedation * Care of patient with narcotic analgesia * Care of patient with patient controlled analgesia (PCA pump) * Assess surgical wound status with/without drain(s) * Care of patient with sterile dressing changes * Care of patient with FemoStop device * Assessment of VasoSeal, AngioSeal, PerClose success * Age-Specific Practice Criteria Pediatric (1-18 years) * Adolescents (12 - 18 years) * Adult (19 - 65 years) * Older adults (Older than 65 years) * Experience with Age Groups Calculate body weight to verify correct dosing of medication * Assess immunization status for pediatric and adolescent * Set age-appropriate short-term and long-term goals in care planning * Provide age-appropriate education, considering possible vision and hearing impairment for Older than 65 years *